Sunday, December 17, 3:30 – 6:30 pm

Welcome Yule!
You are invited to join in the fun and celebrate Yule with delightful activities, ritual and song with (y)our lovely little community.
Arrive at 3:30 to make clove-studded oranges, wrap your wishes into a paper ornament for our little Yule tree, say goodbye to the old year and let go of that which no longer serves you so that you may welcome in wonder and hope.
Location: We will give you the location if you get in touch, see the below form. Or, email magic (at) skagitpagans (dot) com.
We will begin our ritual as the dark arrives (sunset is at 4:14 pm). The circle will include lighting candles on our Yule log, bringing our Yule tree into the circle, and calling back the sun with chanting and light.
Bring finger food and your favorite beverage to share! (Alcohol is allowed if used responsibly) Children are welcome.
We will request donations to assist with the rental fees for the hall.
(As always, if you are short of funds we welcome you no matter what, but do request that you contribute with help for clean up!)
Questions? Email
If you would like more information/location, please get in touch!