Wheel of the Year image

2023 Dates for Skagit Pagans, Witches & Magical People’s Seasonal/Sabbat celebrations…

Please note we will have a blog post for each of the dates listed as they approach.

I have found a venue but until it is confirmed and we get through each event, the location will be “TBA” – Betsy

Ostara/Spring Equinox/Lady Day -Saturday, March 25 – 4-6~ pm – Anacortes, Washington Park

Beltaine/Walpurgisnacht/May Eve – Sunday, April 30 – Noon to 3 pm – Location TBA.

Summer Solstice – Saturday, June 17 – 4:30-9 pm in Bay View on Padilla Bay – Email for information on location

Fall Equinox / Mabon – Saturday, September 23 – 5-8 pm – Location TBA

Samhain – Saturday, October 28 – 5-9 pm – Location TBA

Winter Solstice / Yule – Sunday, December 17 – noon-4 pm – Location TBA

Questions? Email Magic (at) SkagitPagans.org




by Skagit Pagans, Witches & Magical People