Join Skagit Pagans, Witches & Magical People for a very special Samhain event on October 28, 2023 from 6-10 pm!

On this powerful full moon night, we will celebrate the turning of the wheel into the deepest dark of the year.
Our ritual will include honoring our revered ancestors and loved ones who have recently passed, raising energy with chanting and dancing, and the rite of drawing down the moon.
We will likely be inside, but can go out to see the moon a little later after She rises!
This picture is from Betsy’s Facebook group, Moonbathing Society, a small group of moonlovers who like to go out in the moonlight!

Come anytime after 5:30; we’ll start the ritual right around 7 pm after we arrange and light our carved pumpkins, and light candles to honor our ancestors and beloveds who have passed on in the last year(s).
Location: We will give you the location if you get in touch, see the below form. Or, email magic (at) skagitpagans (dot) com.
What to bring:
-We will have a donation box and possibly some items for fundraising by donations to help pay for the hall rental. However, come even if you are short of funds. We always welcome clean up help (hint, hint!)
-A potluck dish you can share (please list ingredients).
-BYOB* – *alcohol is allowed.
-A carved pumpkin with candle or light inside!
-A broom if you have one.
-Your athame (ritual blade) if you have one.
-Willingness to help with clean up!
If you would like more information/location, please get in touch!