6-19-2023 Blessings of summer!

We celebrated Midsummer last weekend, though true to form in the NW, it felt like “June-uary” outside. Ah well. The intrepid attendees were such good sports, and we had fun despite needing to throw on extra coats in that wind!
So what’s next? We’re thinking of organizing a July waxing/near full moon ritual, most likely the last Saturday in July….and once we find a place we will let you know if it’s a go!
For an August event for Lammas/Lughnasa, We are asking people to head over to www.whatcompagans.com or http://www.nwlammasfestival.org to see if the NW Lammas Festival from August 4-6 is of interest to you. We’ll be there, at least for Saturday, and at least one of us will stay over Friday and Saturday. We would love to have a Skagit Pagans presence and hang out together!
It’s near Van Zandt (North of Acme on Hwy 9) at a private 80 acre land trust property, is family friendly and features camping, feasting (with a bread Goddess!), community breakfast Sunday, ritual for Lammas/Lughnasa (celebrating the height of the grain harvests), drumming/chanting/dancing circles in the evening, workshops by anyone who has pagan expertise they want to talk about or share, wood fired sauna, a mini-highland-ish style games/skills competition and riverside social time/swimming in the Nooksack.
It’s super fun and very affordable, as festivals go (I think the donation requested is around 40-50). Attendance ranges from 50-80 people, I estimate. Some come for the day or evening, some stay overnight. It’s a great way to join in community with like minded pagans.
Here’s a collage I made of some of the bread Goddesses, fire, tent, Michael with his archery (part of the mini-games!) and a ritual by the river I did one year.