Tag: wheel of the year

  • Celebrate Beltaine – Sunday, April 30 @ 1 pm

    Join Skagit Pagans, Witches & Magical People on Sunday, April 30 @ 1-4 pm. We plan to dance the may pole, make flower crowns (be there at 1 for this!), and have a lovely Beltaine ritual. (Kids welcome!) We welcome people who would like to participate, help with set up and clean up, or contribute…

  • 2023 Events Calendar

    2023 Dates for Skagit Pagans, Witches & Magical People’s Seasonal/Sabbat celebrations… Please note we will have a blog post for each of the dates listed as they approach. I have found a venue but until it is confirmed and we get through each event, the location will be “TBA” – Betsy Ostara/Spring Equinox/Lady Day -Saturday,…